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Flood Information Page and Mapping

The FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC) is the official public source for flood hazard information produced in support of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Use the MSC to find your official flood map, access a range of other flood hazard products, and take advantage of tools for better understanding flood risk.  You can also print NFHL FIRMette or Full FIRM on FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) Viewer.

The NEW HAMPSHIRE FLOOD HAZARDS Viewer is also a source for FEMA flood hazard map information for New Hampshire properties.

FEMA flood maps are continually updated through a variety of processes. Effective information that you download or print from this site may change or become superseded by new maps over time. For additional information, please see the Flood Hazard Mapping Updates Overview Fact Sheet

Flood Information for Peterborough (NH) Residents
Did you know that flooding is the most common and costly natural disaster that happens in New Hampshire? This portion of our website contains important information for residents about flooding in Peterborough and recommended ways to reduce flood risk.

Know Your Risk
Flooding can happen anywhere it rains but some areas have a higher risk from flooding than others. The Town of Peterborough participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) which maps flood risks in our community. Using FEMA’s Map Service Center or UNH’s GranitView map viewer, you can type in your address to find flood zones in your area. Zones that begin with the letter A {also include the following if applicable:} or V are higher risk flood zones. If your property is located in one of these zones, then special requirements may apply if you are planning to make changes on your property – See Build Responsibly section below.

Insure Your Property
No home is completely safe from potential flooding. Unfortunately, most homeowners insurance policies do not cover floods. Flood insurance can be the difference between recovering and being financially devastated: just one inch of water in a home can cause more than $25,000 in damage. You do not have to be in a higher risk flood zone to buy flood insurance. In fact, almost 25% of flood insurance claims are outside of higher risk flood zones.
If you are considering buying flood insurance, remember that:
• Contents and building (structure) coverage for flood insurance are purchased separately. Know what is covered under each – usually it’s a good idea to have both.
• In most cases flood insurance policies have a 30-day waiting period from the date of purchase before the policy goes into effect although there are exceptions.
Learn more about flood insurance at or contact your insurance agent today.

Build Responsibly

The Town of Peterborough has adopted a Floodplain Management Ordinance (§245-13)  that helps to protect lives and property in our community from future floods. To comply with this ordinance you will need to obtain a floodplain development permit from the Town of Peterborough before you perform development activities in a higher risk flood zone including, but not limited to:
• New construction of buildings or placement of a manufactured home
• Substantial improvements /renovations to existing buildings or manufactured homes
• Placement of fill
• Excavation, grading, paving, or dredging
• Storage of equipment or materials
• Relocating a water course
• New or updated septic systems
• Placement of docks, piers, boat ramps
Once you receive your permit, you will need to comply with building requirements in the Town of Peterborough ordinance. For example, if applicable, development will need to:
• be reasonably safe from flooding;
• be designed and constructed with methods and practices that minimize flood damage;
• be designed and adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement;
• be constructed with flood damage-resistant materials;
• be constructed with electrical/utility systems designed or located to prevent flood damage to components.
New construction and “Substantially Improved” or “Substantially Damaged” residential buildings will also need to have the lowest floor of the building elevated to or above the flood elevation that applies. Other requirements may also apply depending on the type of development.

Contact Tim Herlihy to learn more, including how to obtain a permit.
Code Officer/ Building Official
Town of Peterborough
1 Grove Street
Peterborough, NH 03458
(603) 924-8000 x118

Protect Yourself and Your Family
The simple steps below are things that you can do right now to keep you and your family safe during a future flood.
• Sign up to get text, email, or phone emergency alerts for your area through the NH Department of Safety NH Alerts system at
• Bookmark the National Weather Service’s Gray –Portland, ME webpage for the latest flood forecast information.
•You can also get real-time flood stage information and flood height predictions for rivers and other water bodies that have flood gauges. The gauge along the Contoocook River affects our community. You can access information for this gauge here 
• Sit down with your family and decide what you’ll do when a flood or other emergency happens. Download a plan and fill it out and while you’re at it, make sure you have an emergency kit ready to go in case you need to evacuate in a hurry. Learn about what to include at
Learn more about keeping safe during a flood at

Protect Your Property
There are relatively simple, low-cost things you can do as a homeowner to protect your home from flooding including:
• improving grading around buildings
• elevating utilities and service equipment
• installing sewer backflow valves for pipes entering the building

Get more information about these and other steps you can take in FEMA’s Protect Your Home from Flooding guide.

Elevating a building above the flood elevation for the area is one of the best ways to protect your property from flooding. Your building will have much less damage from future floods and the cost of flood insurance will also be much lower. Learn more in The Costs and Benefits of Building Higher brochure and FEMA’s Protecting Your Home and Property from Flood Damage guide.

Elevation Certificates are forms that contain elevation information for a specific building. These completed forms are used for different purposes including:
• to verify compliance with the Town of Peterborough's floodplain management ordinance
• to determine flood insurance rates
• as part of an application for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA)

Elevation Certificates

Elevation Certificates on file for buildings in the Special Flood Hazard Area are available for review in the Code Office.  Contact the Code Officer to review Certificates on file or for information about how to properly prepare and submit Elevation Certificates for construction projects located within the Special Flood Hazard Area .  Email: or call 603.924.8000 ext 118

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