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Minor Site Plan Review Committee

The Minor Site Plan Review Committee is a subcommittee of the Planning Board tasked with reviewing site plan review applications that are minor in nature (more information about their roles and responsibilities may be found here. )

The Committee meets as needed and consists of at least one Planning Board member; Town Planner, Danica Melone; Director of Public Works/Assistant Town Administrator, Seth MacLean; Code Enforcement Officer, Tim Herlihy; Chief of Police, Scott Guinard; Chief of Fire, Ed Walker. 

This Committee is responsible for reviewing projects including but not limited to: 
  • Projects that entail the development, change or expansion of more than 2,000 square feet in area but involve less than 50% of the existing developed area.
  • A change in use of an existing non-residential or multi-family establishment, 
  • Plans that involve only parking, landscaping, signage, and/or lighting. 

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